Tuesday, April 4, 2017


When I got back from my trip I was looking for something to do for this project because, luck would have it, the day I came back from a trip my partner left, so we once again had to postpone our filming day.

I decided to look for some music as empathic sound.  I knew what I generally wanted. Nothing with words and something to convey the mood in the right way.  I first began listening to the different types of music that the Youtube Audio Library had.  After basically listening to their entire dark category, I still couldn't find what I was looking for.  I then moved on to a website called Epidemic Sound.  After looking through this websites dark category and still finding nothing I was about to call it a day when I just decided to type “scary” in the search bar.  Not actually thinking that it was going to find me any better music than I had already heard, I clicked search, and the first song I clicked on was definitely the one. It was called “scary hospital”. At the end of my searching I came down to two songs (Scary Hospital and Scary Tunnels) but that I don't want to decide on until I had Charlie's opinion on them.  

Epidemic Sound 

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